To categorise the runs easily for anyone looking to join in, we have set 3 types of run up:
Ranger Run - anything 10 miles plus, will be slow and steady with walking in parts and regular breathers
Rambler Run - anything 5 - 10 miles, will be steady with breathers where necessary
Rookie Run - anything up to 5 miles, a steady run and we'll stop if need be (dogs need water, poo stop etc) or for beginners who are just starting out
Ranger Run - anything 10 miles plus, will be slow and steady with walking in parts and regular breathers
Rambler Run - anything 5 - 10 miles, will be steady with breathers where necessary
Rookie Run - anything up to 5 miles, a steady run and we'll stop if need be (dogs need water, poo stop etc) or for beginners who are just starting out